Test Security
For the purpose of test security, candidates who sit for the BCCSA examinations acknowledge that they
understand the following:
- The examination is the exclusive property of BCCSA.
- The examination and the questions contained therein are protected by copyright law. No part of
the examination may be copied, reproduced in part or whole by any means whatsoever, including
- Theft or attempted theft of an examination booklet or any of its pages is punishable as a crime.
- Candidate participation in any irregularity occurring during the examination, such as giving
or obtaining unauthorized information or aid, as evidenced by an observation or subsequent
statistical analysis, may be sufficient cause to terminate participation, invalidate the results of the
examination or trigger other appropriate procedures.
- Candidates verify that they have successfully met the requirements and are eligible to take this
examination. If at any time it is confirmed a candidate has not met all the requirements, they will
no longer be eligible for certification.